Friday, November 25, 2011


How did we end up in Ukraine?? Now that’s a question we have heard dozens of times.  Logan, Parker, and I are all college Spanish minors, so it really would have been easier and more comfortable for us to adopt children who speak Spanish.  I guess “easier” and “more comfortable” is just not the way the Smiths roll. 

For Spring Break of Logan’s senior year of high school, he went with a small group to Ukraine to serve in an orphanage there.  Without question, he came back changed.  He came face-to-face and heart to heart with hurting, needy orphans.  He had his heart stolen by Andre, an orphan there who begged to come home with the group.  I will never forget Logan coming home from that trip begging us to go back and adopt Andre.  To this day, I regret that we did not hear Logan out on this one.

For years, our church has been sending mission teams to Ukraine.  The teams work with local business people and university students.  Ukraine is fairly new to the concept of capitalism and the business people and young people are hungry to learn and implement these ideas.  Our church teams go, conduct seminars, build relationships, and then share the Gospel.  Since Ukraine was a communist country and part of the USSR until the early 1990’s, every aspect of what our teams share is new and curious and hopeful to them.  In 2007, Rod had his first opportunity to be a part of one of these teams.  He has now been several times and has never been the same.  God has given him a heart for the people of Ukraine.  As we got confirmation from God about adoption, Ukraine was Rod’s first vote.  We have since learned that there are nearly 1000 orphanages in Ukraine.  Ukrainian orphans are considered, even among their own people, even lower than “the least of these”.  “Almost a leper status” is what we were told.  In addition, Ukraine is one of the top countries in the world for sex trafficking.  These precious children are desperate for a home.  For a forever family.  For hope.  For Jesus Christ.

So here is how it all went down:  In October 2010, Rod was on another mission trip to Ukraine.  The empty nest was 2 months old by now and God was orchestrating the beginning of our restlessness.  On Sunday, Rod and his team had the opportunity worship at Central Baptist Church in Kiev.  He called home afterward and said “Guess what the sermon in Ukraine was on today?? THE CHURCH’S RESPONSE TO THE PLIGHT OF THE ORPHAN.” …… Great.  Just great.  I swallowed really hard and said “Rod, what is God calling us to??”

Fast forward to just a few weeks before all that paperwork in May.  Good Friday 2011.  Our family went to Secret Church, which was being hosted at our church.  Right smack dab in the middle of digging through Scripture together, David Platt said “WE DON’T ADOPT BECAUSE WE ARE RESCUERS.  WE ADOPT BECAUSE WE ARE THE RESCUED.”  I burst into tears.  Not misty eyed.  Not a trickle down the cheeks.  Ugly cry.  Sobbing.  And I knew.  We all did.  Months and years of having hearts for adoption, of talking about adoption, of having stirred hearts at every mention of adoption or orphans, of going to orphanages on mission trips, had come to a moment of decision.  Not a hasty decision.  Adoption is way too big for that.  This decision had been coming for 20 years.  The next day, a family meeting was called at the Smith Family Meeting Facility known as Taco Mac.  It’s where we do our best thinking.  It’s also where everyone is sure to show up.  And we laid it all out on the table.  Everyone has his say.  One naysayer would stop the whole process.  Either THE FAMILY was adopting or THE FAMILY was not.  Upon being asked his vote, Logan said “It just seems like everything in our lives is pointing to it.”  Parker said, “I think the better question is ‘Why wouldn’t we adopt?’”  Jarrod’s response???  “What the heck else are we going to do with all those extra bedrooms????”  Well said, my boy.  And funny enough, it’s a comment that in my heart and mind has been tossed around hundreds of times since then.  Why else would God give us extra (bedrooms, money, desire, food, time, room) except to use them for His glory?? Why else???

And so, among the hot wings and buffalo burgers and cheese dip, the decision was made.  The Smiths were adopting.  And everyone was all in.


  1. Once again Lisa makes me cry! I love it Lisa! Thank you for letting us in our your family's journey!

  2. I love this, and I am crying and it is the entire Smith Family's fault...
